I want to use the HoloEveryWhere theme and was reading introduction guide, but I have problems with the first line. I can't clone it because "Clone failed: Failed to start Git process" or "Repository test has failed", but I don't know what is wrong.
Introductions from official page: HoloEverywhere
Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA
- Checkout from Version Control - Git
- Typo in Repository URL:
- Press 'Clone', wait until repository checkout
- If you use Android Studio, then just click 'Yes' on the proposal to open a project. Otherwise in IDEA press Import project and specify path to downloaded repo, choose gradle model and press next.
- Mark checkbox "Use auto-import" and click finish.
- Kiss a Google and Android devs team!
- Read this basic migration guide
I have the same problem 5 minutes ago. You need to download and install git from http://git-scm.com/downloads
Then you need to track the git.exe on AndroidStudio:
Settings > Project Settings > Version Control > VCSs > Git Path to Git executeable : D:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe