I am in a CI environment with all code deployment automated.
My django site is using auth_group_permssions . I need to add a row to this table to create a permssions relation.
Would I populate this value using the forward function of a south data migration script?
If so, how can I access this entity?
With South I have tried the following to access first the auth permission model:
group_permision = orm['auth.Group_Permissions'](group=group, permission=permissi
I get the error:
KeyError: "The model 'group_permissions' from the app 'auth' is not available in this migration."
This is how you do it:
content_type = orm['contenttypes.ContentType'].objects.get(app_label='app', model='model')
permission, created = orm['auth.Permission'].objects.get_or_create(codename='can_view model',
name='Can view model',
group, created = orm['auth.Group'].objects.get_or_create(name='my role')