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jquery form plugin in wordpress to upload an image file does not work as expected

Trying to use the jquery form plugin in a worpress site .


<form id="imageform" method="post"  action="<?php bloginfo('template_directory')?>/ajaximage.php " enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="utf-8" >

Upload image:

<input type="file" name="photoimg" id="photoimg" value=""  />

<button value="&nbsp;Upload&nbsp;" class="btn_upload">&nbsp;Upload&nbsp;</button>   
    <div id='preview'></div><!-- end of id preview-->





    $(".result_upload").html('<img src="'+loc+'/images/ajax-loader.gif"  alt="wait.."/>');

                            target: '#preview'




ajaximage.php has

  $photoimg = trim($_POST['photoimg']);
  echo 'got it';

If I do not select any file , I get the result as expected. But if I select an image file then the error message says - "Undefined index: photoimg in line ...."

How to make it work correctly?


  • Have you tried $_FILES instead of $_POST?

    (When a file is submitted it is referenced inside $_FILES and not $_POST.)