I'm loading m.facebook.com in my WebView, not sure how important that is, but the webview is in a container within a ViewPager.
Every time I launch the application and load the url I see one of the following results:
One which you would actually expect:
But the other is quite disturbing:
Why are these two behaviors?
The XML:
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:orientation="vertical" >
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
The setup code for the WebView:
WebSettings settings = webView.getSettings();
settings.setUserAgentString("My User Agent - Android");
webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {});
webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {});
I inflate the xml in the adapter, and add it to the container...
After understanding this is not a race condition between the ViewPager, and the drawer, I've dug into the page, t find out that Facebook customize the page width according to some parameters which I cared not about...
Later I've installed user agent switcher extension to Chrome, and been able to reproduce it, with a my custom user agent.
I did not expect the user agent to have such an effect on a page...
But hell, I've been wrong a billion times before!