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wildcards in cygwin make in cmd.exe

im trying to make a simple makefile that will build multiple artifacts named after subdirs of the src directory. here is my dir structure:

>find .

and here is the makefile i am trying to use. for some reason the binary target refuses to expand its dependencies with when i use both a pattern and a wildcard in the same rule

>cat makefile
dirs    :=      $(shell find src -mindepth 1 -type d)
all:    $(dirs:src/%=bin/%.exe)
        @echo $(dirs)
bin/%.exe:      src/%/*
        @echo "$@ <-- $^"

i know dirs is getting set properly

src/binA src/binB src/binC

this is the error i get

make: *** No rule to make target `bin/binA.exe', needed by `all'.  Stop.

how can i make a generic rule that will properly expand its dependencies to be the contents of a subdir that is based on its name


  • i was able to get this to work by changing the rule matcher to bin/%.exe: $(wildcard src/%/*) and add a .SECONDARYEXPANSION: before that.