The majority of languages I have come across utilise a VM, or virtual machine. Languages such as Java (the JVM), Python, Ruby, PHP (the HHVM), etc.
Then there are languages such as C, C++, Haskell, etc. which compile directly to native.
My question is, what is the advantage of using a VM (outside of OS-independence)? Isn't using a VM just creating an extra interpretation step, by going [source code -> bytecode -> native] instead of just [source code -> native]?
Why use a VM when you can compile directly?
My understanding is that Python, Ruby, et al. use something akin to a VM, if not exactly fitting under such a definition, where scripts are compiled to an intermediate representation (for Python, e.g. .pyc files).
Yep. Looked it up. Python, Ruby and PHP all use intermediate representations, but are simply not stored in seperate files but executed by the VM directly. See question : Java "Virtual Machine" vs. Python "Interpreter" parlance?
" Even though Python uses a virtual machine under the covers, from a user's perspective, one can ignore this detail most of the time. "
An advantage of VM is that, it is much easier to modify some parts of the code on runtime, which is called Reflection. It brings some elegance capabilities. For example, you can ask the user which function/class he want to call, and call the function/class by its STRING name. In Java programs (and maybe some other VM-based languages) users can add additional library to the program in runtime, and the library can be run immediately!
Another advantage is the ability to use advanced garbage collection, because the bytecode's structure is easier to analyze.
Let me note that a virtual machine does not always interpret the code, and therefore it is not always slower than machine code. For example, Java has a component named hotspot which searches for code blocks that are frequently called, and replaces their bytecode with native code (machine code). For instance, if a for
loop is called for, say , 100+ times, hotspot converts it to machine-code, so that in the next calls it will run natively! This insures that just the bottlenecks of your code are running natively, while the rest part allows for the above advantages.
P.S. It is not impossible to compile the code directly to native code. Many VM-based languages have compiler versions (e.g. there is a compiler for PHP: However, remember that you are disabling some of the above features by compiling the whole program to native code.
P.S. The [source-code -> byte-code] part is not a problem, it is compiled once and does not relate to execution time. I presumed you are asking why they do not execute the machine code while it is possible.