Suppose I have set of QCheckBoxes
, I set some of them. I need to understand when I uncheck them, but I don't know which signal
can help me?
The following code tell me checked:
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.checkBox, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("isChecked()")), lambda: self.interfaceCodesConstructor.setFilterDict(self,"name",self.lineEdit.text()))
and I connect
a lambda function
My question is, which signal
can tell me checkbox
is unchecked?
How about void QCheckBox::stateChanged ( int state ) [signal]
, from description :
This signal is emitted whenever the check box's state changes, i.e. whenever the user checks or unchecks it. state contains the check box's new Qt::CheckState.
So after you connect it to slot, just check, if state variable equals Qt::Checked
and process your slot, else - return.