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List items don't appear in Ul

This is my code:

$("#showing").append("<ul id='vrijemeObjava'");
for(i=0;i<App.vrijemeObjavljivanja.length;i++) {
    $("#showing").append("<li><strong>" + App.vrijemeObjavljivanja[i] + "</strong></li>");

This is made inside a FB.api call. The "App.vrijemeObjavljivanja is an array of dates which I want to put in an ul. The array is put in <li></li> but not in <ul>.

The end result looks like this.

<ul id='vrijemeObjava'></ul>

Can someone please tell me why are the list items coming after the </ul>.


  • When you append, you append entire elements (both the opening and closing tags). Try this instead:

    $ul = $("<ul id='vrijemeObjava'></ul>");
    for(i=0;i<App.vrijemeObjavljivanja.length;i++) {
        $ul.append("<li><strong>" + App.vrijemeObjavljivanja[i] + "</strong></li>");