I am obviously missing something obvious, i'm trying to execute an SOQL query in some APEX code on Salesforce but this query just doesn't work, and i can't work out why, can somebody assist?
SELECT Id,Name,Amount,R2_Job_Ref__c,R2_Shipping_Post_Code__c,Shipping_Postcode_2__c
FROM Opportunity
WHERE Shipping_Postcode_2__c != R2_Shipping_Post_Code__c AND R2_Shipping_Post_Code__c != null
I don't believe this is possible.
According to http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/soql_sosl/Content/sforce_api_calls_sosl_where.htm:
You must supply a native value—other field names or calculations are not permitted.
I think you have two options: