I've got an HTML page with the following format:
<select id="name_list">
<optgroup label="env1">
<option value="comp1">comp1 details</option>
<optgroup label="env2">
<option value="comp1">comp1 details</option>
And trying to click on the option with value=comp1 which is inside optgroup-env2 specifically. Is there any way to specify this path? Note that both 'options' values are exactly the same under the different 'optgroup' nodes...
Many thanks!
You can locate an optgroup like any other element. Then you can search within that group for your option.
browser.optgroup(:label =>'env2').option(:value => 'comp1').select
Update - It looks like there is a bug in watir-webdriver that prevents the above from working.
When creating the locator for the label, watir-webdriver calls the following method:
def should_use_label_element?
@selector[:tag_name] != "option"
For the optgroup, this returns false, which means that watir goes and looks for an associated label element (rather than checking the attribute).
As a temporary workaround, you could use css:
browser.element(:css => 'optgroup[label="env2"]').option(:value => 'comp1').select
A bug has been created for this issue (see Issue 219).