Search code examples

h:selectOneListbox -> Conversion Error setting value '' for 'null Converter'

SEAM, JSF 2 environment, I have a list of Strings that I would like to add to from a look up (and then have some business logic afterwards).

*I know that you usually require a converter for listboxes that have custom objects, but my objects are Strings, and should already have a compareTo() method. And yes, I know I am missing 'value' in h:outputLabel, but I have no need for the selected bookName, but ratehr the whole list to me is important.

function selectBook(bookId, bookName) {
    var idInput = [];
    var idInput = jQuery("#bookForm\\:bookNames");

<h:panelGroup id="booksField">
     <h:outputLabel for="booksListBox" value="Books:"/>
        <h:selectOneListbox id="booksListBox" >
           <s:selectItems var="_var" value="#{bean.searchCriteria.bookNames}" noSelectionLabel=""/>
        <h:inputHidden id="bookNames" value="#{bean.searchCriteria.bookNames}" converter="StringListConverter"/>

And my Java code...

private List<String> bookNames;

public List<String> getBookNames() {
    return bookNames;

public void setBookNames(List<String> bookNames) {
    this.bookNames = bookNames;


  • Your inputHidden has a List<String> as value, not a String. You need a converter to do that.