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Stop Moving to next control on Tab Key

I have a numbers of Controls on my form, set with tabindexs and tabstop set to true.

eg. I have 3 Text Box.

Name     TabIndex
TextBox1  0 
TextBox2  1
TextBox3  3

When I press Tab Key, the cursor move to next control.
When I press Tab Key in last control(TextBox3),the cursor move to first control.

TextBox1 -> TextBox2 -> TextBox3 -> TextBox1 -> TextBox2 -> TextBox3..

The Solution I want is
"When I press Tab Key in last control(TextBox3),I don't want to move the cursor to first control.I want to remain the cursor on last control (TextBox3)."

eg. TextBox1 -> TextBox2 -> TextBox3(Stop Moving Cursor)

Can anybody give me a solution for this? Thanks in advance.


  • Hi this piece of coding can help you

    On the GotFocus Event of Textbox2 set the other two textbox tabstop to false

     Private Sub TextBox2_GotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
     System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.GotFocus
            If TextBox3.TabStop = True Then
                TextBox1.TabStop = False
                TextBox2.TabStop = False
            End If
        End Sub