I have a numbers of Controls on my form, set with tabindexs and tabstop set to true.
eg. I have 3 Text Box.
Name TabIndex
TextBox1 0
TextBox2 1
TextBox3 3
When I press Tab Key, the cursor move to next control.
When I press Tab Key in last control(TextBox3),the cursor move to first control.
TextBox1 -> TextBox2 -> TextBox3 -> TextBox1 -> TextBox2 -> TextBox3..
The Solution I want is
"When I press Tab Key in last control(TextBox3),I don't want to move the cursor to first control.I want to remain the cursor on last control (TextBox3)."
eg. TextBox1 -> TextBox2 -> TextBox3(Stop Moving Cursor)
Can anybody give me a solution for this? Thanks in advance.
Hi this piece of coding can help you
On the GotFocus Event of Textbox2 set the other two textbox tabstop to false
Private Sub TextBox2_GotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.GotFocus
If TextBox3.TabStop = True Then
TextBox1.TabStop = False
TextBox2.TabStop = False
End If
End Sub