I have a query that takes a string 'noticeDate' and converts it to a date to order it by. The query works perfectly when I run it in phpmyadmin but not in drupal
Here's my query
<h3 style="text-align: center;">Public Notices</h3>
$query="SELECT `noticeTitle`, `noticeDate`, `filename`, STR_TO_DATE(`noticeDate`, '%m/%d/%Y') as filedate, `filepath`
FROM `public_notice`
ORDER BY filedate DESC
$results = db_query($query);
while ($row = db_fetch_array($results)) {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td><u><a href=http://website.com/'. $row["filepath"] . '>' .$row["noticeDate"].'</u>- '.$row["noticeTitle"]. '</a></td><br />';
echo '</tr>';
In phpmyadmin, it orders 5 dates perfectly- but in drupal it looks like this.
08/04/2009- sometext
09/14/2009- sometext
01/28/2009- sometext
01/23/2009- sometext
02/25/2009- sometext
I think the problem is with the way Drupal substitutes arguments / named parameters. See the second parameter for db_query.
You should really refactor your code to use a db_select. https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!database!database.inc/function/db_query/7
To add the STR_TO_DATE functionality, use the AddExpression functionality. https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!database!select.inc/function/SelectQuery%3A%3AaddExpression/7
Using these two will definitely solve your problem. Good luck.