In my iced-coffee-script
test I want to check that something is less than expected.
The only library I found for this is assertthat:
assert = require 'node-assertthat'
assert.that (actualSeconds, is.atMost (expectedSeconds))
But my code cannot be compiled from iced-coffee-script
to js
error: unexpected ,
assert.that (actualSeconds, is.atMost (expectedSeconds))
I guess it is because of is
, that is key word in coffee-script
Yes, I know I can use assert.ok
assert = require 'assert'
assert.ok actualSeconds <= expectedSeconds
But in this case it don't show seconds on fail. It only show: fail: false == true
So how check that something is less than expected in iced-coffee-script
Even if I don't like to write pure js
, I decided to create one module:
var assert = require ('node-assertthat')
module.exports = function (actual, expected) {
assert.that (actual, is.atMost(expected))