I asked my host to install PDFTK on my webhosting account. It's installed because I can see the response when I try :
exec("/usr/bin/pdftk --version",$o,$r);
However, every real command I try doesn't output any file. Here are few examples :
exec("/usr/bin/pdftk /var/www/vhosts/mtlmf.com/httpdocs/test.pdf /var/www/vhosts/mtlmf.com/httpdocs/test2.pdf cat output /var/www/vhosts/mtlmf.com/httpdocs/newfile.pdf",$o,$r);
exec("/usr/bin/pdftk $pdf_template_path fill_form $xfdf_file_path output $pdf_name flatten");
All files stated does exist (I verified with file_exists than the path was valid).
I tried many things on that, couldn't get it to work.
Permission issue! 0777 to the folder and it appears now ...