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android widgets and persistent data

I have a litte appwidget with a configuration activity.
In the configuration activity I have a EditText
to store a particular string and a button to create the widget.
In the widget itself there is only a Imageview with a static image showing a button.

when i press the button im doing the following:

AppWidgetManager app_widget_manager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context);
RemoteViews local = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.main);
app_widget_manager.updateAppWidget(widget_id, local);

Intent create = new Intent(this, MyWidget.class);
create.putExtra("toastmessage", edittext1.getText().toString);

Intent result_value = new Intent();
result_value.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, widget_id);
setResult(RESULT_OK, result_value);

the extra 'toastmessage' is just the content of the edittext.

in the widget i catch the broadcast in onReceive() and get the string value that was
passed before as extra 'toastmessage' to the new widget.

if i press on my widget, i create a toast with the passed string
- and here is my problem -
the passed string is different for every widget created.
but the variable (in the widget) where i store the passed string
gets resettet after a little time or when the phone gets restartet or the app killed or something similar,
so i need persistent data for every widget instance.

I need to store which widget got which string passed,
and get this data everytime when the widget gets updated.
How can i achieve this?


  • According with this link you have some options to accomplish your goal.

    Hope these examples helps, cheers.