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Table of contingency tables

I have a table with the following data:

ex = structure(list(A = c(482, 208, 227, 239, 783, 141), B = c(155, 
69, 63, 65, 255, 25), C = c(64, 24, 28, 29, 134, 34), D = c(408, 
180, 196, 207, 638, 104)), .Names = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("E", 
"F", "G", "H", "I", "J"))

    A   B   C   D
E 482 155  64 408
F 208  69  24 180
G 227  63  28 196
H 239  65  29 207
I 783 255 134 638
J 141  25  34 104

I want to comput the chisq.test() for all pairs of rows for A vs B and for C vs D. This sounds pretty ambiguous to me so here is a concrete example:

   A   B       C   D
E 482 155   E 64  408
F 208  69   F 24  180

   A   B       C   D
E 482 155   E 64  408
G 227  63   G 28  196

... repeat for all pairs of E, F, G, H, I, and J

compute P values using chisq.tests() for each of these tables.

I have already done this, but it's output is in an annoying format. Basically I used combn(rownames(ex),2) to get the pairs, then wrote an lapply that went through the result of combn, constructed the matrices from the table, then and gave me the chisq of the matrix.

tests = combn(rownames(ex), 2)
tests = apply(tests,2,list)

testResults = lapply(tests, function(cat){
  test = unlist(cat)
  AvsBm = matrix(c(ex[test[1],'A'],ex[test[2],'A'],ex[test[1],'B'],ex[test[2],'B']),nrow=2, ncol=2)
  AvsBp = chisq.test(AvsBm)$p.value
  CvsDm = matrix(c(ex[test[1],'C'],ex[test[2],'C'],ex[test[1],'D'],ex[test[2],'D']),nrow=2, ncol=2)
  CvsDp = chisq.test(CvsDm)$p.value
  a = c(test[1], test[2], AvsBp, CvsDp)

testResults = data.frame(, testResults))
names(testResults) = c('Var1', 'Var2', 'AvsB', 'CvsD')

The results looked like this:

> testResults
   Var1 Var2                AvsB                CvsD
1     E    F   0.918199692198075   0.608649272659481
2     E    G   0.432572099792864   0.790459437339736
3     E    H   0.358651246275942   0.723319426118104
4     E    I   0.960564133271506  0.0896848347203047
5     E    J  0.0144029906033956  0.0028292317888333
6     F    G   0.424982446036333   0.932706790402674
7     F    H    0.36295549985099   0.982958067120215
8     F    I   0.968631154321032  0.0684734899837275
9     F    J  0.0195800439529193 0.00302299304015596
10    G    H   0.998659183486833   0.999999999999997
11    G    I   0.354996420259763   0.102779771508206
12    G    J   0.107030315095613 0.00460404677366423
13    H    I   0.284826573788384  0.0801050087692166
14    H    J   0.123057932646613 0.00332480813135708
15    I    J 0.00951511015485216  0.0559833381301495

This works ok, but it feels like it should be a lot easier. I have to do a lot of reformatting of the table afterwards to get it into a pretty looking table. The ideal format would be two triangular tables one for A-vs-B and the other for C-vs-D.

Are there any built in functions that do this kind of thing?

Hope my question isn't too vague, Cheers.


  • You can use this instead:

    within(, 2)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE), {
        CvsDp <- mapply(function(i,j)chisq.test(ex[c(i,j),c("C","D")])$p.value,V1,V2)
        AvsBp <- mapply(function(i,j)chisq.test(ex[c(i,j),c("A","B")])$p.value,V1,V2)


       V1 V2      AvsBp       CvsDp
    1   E  F 0.91819969 0.608649273
    2   E  G 0.43257210 0.790459437
    3   E  H 0.35865125 0.723319426
    4   E  I 0.96056413 0.089684835
    5   E  J 0.01440299 0.002829232
    6   F  G 0.42498245 0.932706790
    7   F  H 0.36295550 0.982958067
    8   F  I 0.96863115 0.068473490
    9   F  J 0.01958004 0.003022993
    10  G  H 0.99865918 1.000000000
    11  G  I 0.35499642 0.102779772
    12  G  J 0.10703032 0.004604047
    13  H  I 0.28482657 0.080105009
    14  H  J 0.12305793 0.003324808
    15  I  J 0.00951511 0.055983338

    EDIT: as a triangular table, given x = the result above:

    m <- matrix(nrow=nrow(ex), ncol=nrow(ex))
    rownames(m) <- colnames(m) <- rownames(ex)
    m[cbind(x$V1,x$V2)] <- x$AvsBp


       E         F         G         H         I          J
    E NA 0.9181997 0.4325721 0.3586512 0.9605641 0.01440299
    F NA        NA 0.4249824 0.3629555 0.9686312 0.01958004
    G NA        NA        NA 0.9986592 0.3549964 0.10703032
    H NA        NA        NA        NA 0.2848266 0.12305793
    I NA        NA        NA        NA        NA 0.00951511
    J NA        NA        NA        NA        NA         NA

    For CvsDp just replace it in the last line.