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Android: Show mopub interstitial ad when user exits the app clicking back button

I am developing an android app and would like showing a mopub interstitial full screen ad when user exits the app pressing back button.

I have tried it creating the interstitial ad and displaying it in onDestroy method. Something like that:

public void onDestroy(){
    this.interstitial = new MoPubInterstitial(this, MY_INTERSTITIAL_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE);


// InterstitialAdListener method
public void onInterstitialLoaded(MoPubInterstitial interstitial) {
    if (interstitial.isReady()) {;
    } else {
        // Other code

However, I am not destroying interstitial anywhere (mInterstitial.destroy();) since I don't know where can I do it, and therefore I am getting this error:

Activity com.myActivity has leaked IntentReceiver com.mopub.mobileads.MoPubView$1@41baffc0 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? Activity com.myActivity has leaked IntentReceiver com.mopub.mobileads.MoPubView$1@41baffc0 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()?

Although I am getting this error, the add is shown (I have tested it in many devices) and it seems it works well in all of them except sony.

How could I improve this code to show interstitial on exit??



  • Finally, I found a new ad technology called Postitial that let me show mopub full screen ads when user exits the app in a natural way. You can see more information here: