I am going to implement video chat using Opentok by following the post http://www.iphonegamezone.net/ios-tutorial-create-iphone-video-chat-app-using-parse-and-opentok-tokbox/
I have implemented parse.com for the backend which is responsible for session and token creation for opentok
When I am running the code, It creates SessionId,active users (Which I can see in the parse.com's backend)
But When I am trying to connect to opentok with help of following code, Error message coming stating that "The Session failed to connect"
_session = [[OTSession alloc] initWithSessionId:sessionID
[_session addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"connectionCount"
[_session connectWithApiKey:kApiKey token:token];
if any one know how to solve this problem then help. Or any suggestion also appreciated.
Yes,Now I got the solution.
Firewall was not allowing me before to connect the session. I allowed the firewall connection by providing network ID and password.
Now It is working for me.