I use a recently freshly installed phpmyadmin 4.0.5 for the administration of databases on a server with a rather restrictive firewall.
In the firewall logs I see that phpmyadmin tries to open an http connection to the address - which belongs to sourceforge. Probably, this connection is required to look for and display update information.
Now what bothers me is the following:
When I block this connection by the firewall I experience that phpmyadmin does not react for around 1 minute when I directly after a login want to list up all tables of a database. After the "waiting time" everything runs as quickly as expected again.
When I allow for a http connection to the initial slow down of phpmyadmin does not happen. This can be reproduced.
I saw some questions on some internet forums regarding a similar initial slow down of phpmyadmin - but these questions never were answered sufficiently.
So I post some questions here:
Question 1: Is the http connection only for looking for updates ??? Or is there more going on ??
Question 2: Can someone confirm the described behaviour of phpmyadmin?
Question 3: Should this inital automatic trial to get a connection to sourceforge not be handled differently by the phpmyadmin developers in future releases? At least it should not delay user interactions after the login ...
Question 4: Is there a parameter setting by which I can eliminate the trial to connect to sourceforge?
It's just for version check
There is a parameter to bypass the version check: https://phpmyadmin.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config.html#cfg_VersionCheck
Also, the version check can be done via a proxy, see https://phpmyadmin.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config.html#cfg_VersionCheckProxyUrl and the parameters that follow.