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C# Linq Column Name as variable

I have a table where I want to make a query on variable columns. Like:

private void query(string column, string value) {

    using (var db = new myDB()) {

        var s1 = (from c in db.Components
                  where (**column** == **value**)
                  select new {, **column**});

lets say I want to look for a supplier then it would be like:

var s1 = (from c in db.Components
          where (c.supplier == "abc")
          select new {, c.supplier});

is there a way to pass the column name as variable?


  • This example can be useful i guess.

     void BindGridTypeSafe()
            NorthwindDataContext northwind = new NorthwindDataContext();
            var query = from p in northwind.Products
                        where p.CategoryID == 3 && p.UnitPrice > 3
                        orderby p.SupplierID
                        select p;
            GridView1.DataSource = query;
        void BindGridDynamic()
            NorthwindDataContext northwind = new NorthwindDataContext();
            var query = northwind.Products
                                 .Where("CategoryID = 3 AND UnitPrice > 3")
            GridView1.DataSource = query;