Search code examples

URL Query parameter string "=" converts to "&"

In my Android project I'm using Robospice with spring-android. Which works fine for all REST communication. But for the below request query parameter "=" is getting converted to "&". Because of this the request is getting failed.

Query String: tags=["keywords:default=hello"]

By checking the logs the request is converted as below for making call by the library.


here "=" sign is converted to "&" in "keywords:default=hello"

Request Class

here tags = String.format("[\"keywords:default=%s\"]", mTag);

public MVMediaSearch loadDataFromNetwork() throws Exception
  String search=""; 
  return   getRestTemplate().getForObject( Constants.BASE_URL+"/media/search?token="+token+search, MVMediaSearch.class ); 

If I fire the URL in a browser, I'm getting error. And if I change the '&' sign to its corresponding url encoded value in browser, it works fine.


  • I also have the same issue. For alternative, I use getForObject(, java.lang.Class).

    URI uri = new URI(Constants.BASE_URL+"/media/search?token="+token+search);
    getRestTemplate().getForObject(uri, MVMediaSearch.class );
, java.lang.Class)