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Access Violation reading location 0xfeeefe2 on destructor call

This post will be a bit large, so sorry in advance. Anyway, I'm getting an exception when running my program in debug mode(Visual Studio 2010) that I can't quite figure why happens:

Unhandled exception at 0x5524ad4a (msvcp100d.dll) in CppTest1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeefef2.

I'm quite new to C++ and I'm trying to implement a pimpl-like pattern class structure like the following:


#include <vector>
class A
  struct aStruct
    std::string aString;
    std::vector<std::string> moreStrings;
  void addSomething(aStruct thing);
  class Implementation;
  Implementation* instance;

class B
  void doWork();
  class Implementation;
  Implementation* instance;

class A::Implementation
  void addSomething(aStruct thing);
  std::vector<A::aStruct> bunchOfStructs;

class B::Implementation
  void doWork();
  A member;


#include "declaration.h"
A::A() : instance(new Implementation) {}
A::~A() { delete instance; }
void A::addSomething(aStruct thing) { instance->addSomething(thing);}

A::Implementation::Implementation() {}
A::Implementation::~Implementation() {}
void A::Implementation::addSomething(aStruct thing) { bunchOfStructs.push_back(thing);}

B::B() : instance(new Implementation) {}
B::~B() {delete instance;}
B::Implementation::Implementation() { doWork();}
B::Implementation::~Implementation() {}
void B::Implementation::doWork()
  A a; 
  member = a;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) 
  B b;  
  return 0;

Now when the code escapes the main block the destructor for B is called, which in turn deletes the Implementation which in turn calls the destructor for the instance of Implementation it holds and so on until the destructor for the vector bunchOfStructs held in the instance of A is called. And this is where it fails.

The call stack looks like this:

msvcp100d.dll!std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all()  Line 201 + 0x12 bytes  C++
CppTest1.exe!std::vector<A::aStruct,std::allocator<A::aStruct> >::_Tidy()  Line 1304 + 0xb bytes    C++
CppTest1.exe!std::vector<A::aStruct,std::allocator<A::aStruct> >::~vector<A::aStruct,std::allocator<A::aStruct> >()  Line 706   C++
CppTest1.exe!A::Implementation::~Implementation()  Line 8 + 0x2b bytes  C++
CppTest1.exe!A::Implementation::`scalar deleting destructor'()  + 0x2b bytes    C++
CppTest1.exe!A::~A()  Line 4 + 0x50 bytes   C++
CppTest1.exe!B::Implementation::~Implementation()  Line 14 + 0x2b bytes C++
CppTest1.exe!B::Implementation::`scalar deleting destructor'()  + 0x2b bytes    C++
CppTest1.exe!B::~B()  Line 12 + 0x50 bytes  C++
CppTest1.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv)  Line 24 + 0x12 bytes    C++

As far as I understand 0xfeeefeee is a fill pattern used in Visual Studio during debug. And the exception message indicates that I'm trying to access something that has been deleted already? But I don't quite understand why it happens. Something is apperantly being destroyed before I think it is. If it wasn't for the assignment member = a the code will run. Also if I implemented this without the pattern it would seemingly run fine. E.g:


#include <vector>
class C
  struct aStruct
    std::string aString;
    std::vector<std::string> moreStrings;
  void addSomething(aStruct thing);
  std::vector<C::aStruct> bunchOfStructs;
class D
  void doWork();
  C member;


#include "thisworks.h"
C::C() {}
C::~C() {}
void C::addSomething(aStruct thing) { bunchOfStructs.push_back(thing); }

D::D() { doWork(); }
D::~D() {}
void D::doWork()
  C c;
  member = c;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) 
  D d;
  return 0;

Now I realize that there are probably better ways of doing this, however since I'm still trying to learn C++ and I've already invested some time trying to figure out why this is a problem in the first place I would really like to understand the problem.


  • When you execute member = a; you are performing a bit-to-bit copy of the object, which is of type A. At this point member.instance is equal to a.instance, i.e. it is a pointer to the memory allocated in A::A() when creating a.

    When B::Implementation::doWork() terminates, the destructor for a is called, which in turn deletes a.instance; this operation makes member.instance a dangling pointer.