I have an app with upload some products in database. I have registration page in my website and also app have registration. User can able to register and upload products. If registration finish it generate username and password. If i use this login details it goes to profile page, here user can able to upload products. After uploading 3 products i set limitation for buy. If user use payment for more than 3 images it will allow to upload next image. This part of payment is active via website not app. Is appStore reject my app for this kind of things? I didn't use In-App-Purchase. Only use limit for 3 products after payment done able to upload more than 3 products. Then in app i can get all the products from database and displays in mobile viewController.
The right answer to your question is consult with Apple.
In my experience, if you are unlocking some feature in you application upon payment, your app needs to do this via In-app purchase. In your case, upon payment you are enabling user the ability to upload more than 3 images from the application, then I suggest you should include In-app purchase.
Hope that helps!