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Add write a review rate us feature to my iOS app

I want to add some sort of a "Write a Review" or "Rate Us" feature to my app so my customers can easily rate and review my iOS app.

My app is already on the store,

I was wondering how to do this. I want the alert to be displayed after say the app has launched 10 times if that would be possible. And how can I create an maybe later alternative which displays the alert maybe 15 launches of the app later?

After searching i found iRate example, i have imported #import "iRate.h" in my appdelegate

and i have wrote this in appdelegate,

    [iRate sharedInstance].previewMode=YES;


When i launch my app alert displays but it shows warnings in the log:

  • iRate is checking to retrieve the App Store details...
  • iRate could not find the App Store ID for this application. If the application is not intended for App Store release then you must specify a custom ratingsURL.
  • iRate could not find your app on iTunes. If your app is not yet on the store or is not intended for App Store release then don't worry about this
  • iRate could not find the App Store ID for this application. If the application is not intended for App Store release then you must specify a custom ratingsURL.

How to remove this warnings and how to link my app with iTunes rating page of my app ?

Thanks in advance.


  • doing this type of rating i m used Apprirater for iOS take a Look this is very simple and easy to config and manage. From the GithubLink read Getting Started

    and configure it

    [Appirater setAppId:@"552035781"];//here you need to put your App id
    [Appirater setDaysUntilPrompt:1];
    [Appirater setUsesUntilPrompt:10];
    [Appirater setSignificantEventsUntilPrompt:-1];
    [Appirater setTimeBeforeReminding:2];
    [Appirater setDebug:YES]; // set NO while you upload App into appstore this YES for testing

    that Appear alert as par you configration like Bellow screenshot:-

    enter image description here


    adding This Three class in to your Project:-

    enter image description here

    Add the CFNetwork, SystemConfiguration, and StoreKit frameworks to your project. Be sure to change Required to Optional for StoreKit in your target's Build Phases » Link Binary with Libraries section.