For example, suppose a test calls two actions, A and B.
A performs a "failed" step by calling "Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, ...
", and B performs a "passed" step by calling "Reporter.ReportEvent micpass, ...
returns micFail
as soon as the failed step has been performed in A. So even in B, with B´s status being completely "green", there is no way to tell that in the "B" branch, there is no "failed" step present. The test run status reported by Reporter.RunStatus
" is micFail
from then on.
So how can I get the current "branch"´s run status?
I think what I am looking for is the color (i.e. the run status) of the current, or current parent´s, Reporter node.
I dont think you can since Run Status is for the complete test and not for individual action. Alternatively, you can call the ExitAction method and store the output in a variable to check the Action Run Status when called from RunAction method.