Search code examples mvc: Paging - Setting Prev/Next page values in ActionLinks?

I'm trying to implement some simple paging, based on How do I do pagination in ASP.NET MVC?

The paging works fine.

However, I'm now trying to create previous and next links, but can't figure out how to access the params:

My route looks like:

      new { controller = "Controller", action = "ActionName" , pageID = 0 },
      new { pageID = @"\d*"}

And my next link looks like:

   <%=Html.ActionLink("next page", "ActionName", "Controller", new {pageID = pageID + 1 }, null) %>

The error I get is:

 Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'pageID' does not exist in the current context

How should I create the Prev/Next links (or, in this case, just the next)?


  • The error is occurring on the second PageID in

    new {pageID = pageID + 1 }, ...

    If you want to reference pageID in this way, you have to pass it in as part of your model.

    Have a look at the following tutorial:

    NerdDinner Step 8: Paging Support