I have a form with models and foreign key modes represented as inline formsets. I'm having a helluva time saving the ordered formsets. In fact, every time I try to delete one, it gets multiplied.
in forms.py:
class PublicationForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Publication
fields = ['title']
SectionFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Publication, Section, can_delete=True, can_order=True, extra=2)
and in views.py:
if publication_form.is_valid():
pub = publication_form.save(commit=False)
section_formset = SectionFormSet(request.POST, instance=pub, prefix='section')
if section_formset.is_valid():
for s in section_formset.ordered_forms:
s.instance.order = s.cleaned_data['ORDER']
I've loked on S.O. but found nothing. Does anybody have a solution?
Yes, you have the saving all jumbled up. Something like this:
1 - Your formset holds the sets of SectionForm, so you are testing for the form to be valid in the wrong loop. You want this:
if request.method == 'POST':
section_formset = SectionFormSet(request.POST, instance=<an instance of Publication>, prefix='section')
if section_formset.is_valid():
instances = section_formset.save(commit=False)
for instance in instances:
#do something
return HttpResponseRedirect('<a url>')
section_formset = SectionFormSet(instance=<an instance of Publication>, prefix='section')
You don't need to do the instances loop if you're just saving the section forms 'order' value to the section models order attr - it's done for you. You can just call section_formset.save().