When I try to track location it works perfectly but when i add service reference to it it throws an exception when I try the same program without adding location only add service reference it works perfectly My code is here below while copy from How to continuously track the phone's location for Windows Phone 8
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
Geolocator geolocator = null;
bool tracking = false;
ServiceReference2.GetPositionClient client = new ServiceReference2.GetPositionClient();
// Constructor
public MainPage()
// Sample code to localize the ApplicationBar
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
if (IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.Contains("LocationConsent"))
// User has opted in or out of Location
MessageBoxResult result =
MessageBox.Show("This app accesses your phone's location. Is that ok?",
if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK)
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["LocationConsent"] = true;
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["LocationConsent"] = false;
private void TrackLocation_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if ((bool)IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["LocationConsent"] != true)
// The user has opted out of Location.
if (!tracking)
geolocator = new Geolocator();
geolocator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High;
geolocator.MovementThreshold = 100; // The units are meters.
geolocator.StatusChanged += geolocator_StatusChanged;
geolocator.PositionChanged += geolocator_PositionChanged;
tracking = true;
TrackLocationButton.Content = "stop tracking";
geolocator.PositionChanged -= geolocator_PositionChanged;
geolocator.StatusChanged -= geolocator_StatusChanged;
geolocator = null;
tracking = false;
TrackLocationButton.Content = "track location";
StatusTextBlock.Text = "stopped";
void geolocator_StatusChanged(Geolocator sender, StatusChangedEventArgs args)
string status = "";
switch (args.Status)
case PositionStatus.Disabled:
// the application does not have the right capability or the location master switch is off
status = "location is disabled in phone settings";
case PositionStatus.Initializing:
// the geolocator started the tracking operation
status = "initializing";
case PositionStatus.NoData:
// the location service was not able to acquire the location
status = "no data";
case PositionStatus.Ready:
// the location service is generating geopositions as specified by the tracking parameters
status = "ready";
case PositionStatus.NotAvailable:
status = "not available";
// not used in WindowsPhone, Windows desktop uses this value to signal that there is no hardware capable to acquire location information
case PositionStatus.NotInitialized:
// the initial state of the geolocator, once the tracking operation is stopped by the user the geolocator moves back to this state
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
StatusTextBlock.Text = status;
void geolocator_PositionChanged(Geolocator sender, PositionChangedEventArgs args)
client.getPosCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference2.getPosCompletedEventArgs>(sendData);
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
LatitudeTextBlock.Text = args.Position.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString("0.00");
LongitudeTextBlock.Text = args.Position.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString("0.00");
public void sendData(object sender, ServiceReference2.getPosCompletedEventArgs e)
dd.Text = e.Result;
you have
client.getPosCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference2.getPosCompletedEventArgs>(sendData);
but you haven't given Client any values anywhere else, I assume that you are getting a null Reference exception, and that this is why.