I want to plot the vehicle acceleration and velocity (simple line graphs) of only those vehicles (vehicle IDs) which are cars (vehicle class = 2) following trucks (vehicle class = 3).
I have a DataFrame as follows:
Vehicle ID Vehicle Class Lane ID Preced Veh ID Local Y Vehicle V Vehicle A
0 j 2 2 0 6.0 45.0 0.50
1 i 3 2 j 5.5 37.5 -1.60
2 h 2 2 i 4.0 39.0 1.00
3 g 2 2 h 2.8 40.0 0.67
4 f 2 2 g 1.4 42.0 0.70
5 e 1 2 f 0.4 41.0 0.50
6 d 2 1 e 5.5 43.0 0.80
7 c 3 1 d 4.0 36.0 -1.30
8 b 3 1 c 2.8 34.5 -1.00
9 a 2 1 b 1.4 40.0 0.91
I can't figure out the code to SELECT only the cars following trucks (2 following 3) and then plot them.
Note: I have created this file for making it easy for me to write code, in reality, however, the text file has 18 columns and more than a million rows.
You can see the previous vehicle class using shift:
In [11]: df['Vehicle Class'].shift()
0 NaN
1 2
2 3
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 1
7 2
8 3
9 3
Name: Vehicle Class, dtype: float64
And select those which have class 2 but the previous vehicle was class 3:
In [12]: df[(df['Vehicle Class'] == 2) & (df['Vehicle Class'].shift() == 3)]
Vehicle ID Vehicle Class Lane ID Preced Veh ID Local Y Vehicle V Vehicle A
2 h 2 2 i 4.0 39 1.00
9 a 2 1 b 1.4 40 0.91
It's not clear to me how you want to plot this result...