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Merge tracking for Git cherry picking?

For example, I have a dev branch and a stable branch.

In case I have cherry-picked several commit from dev to stable.

Is there any way to let Git aware of the cherry-picked commits, and avoid doubly-merging it if I later merge, rebase or cherry-pick an overlapped range, from dev back to stable? (for which is a basic merge tracking feature in SVN)


  • There is actually a command named git cherry that prints every commit that is not merged between two branches.

    For each printed commit, the "+" sign means you can merge it, the "-" sign means you already cherry-pick that commit.

    The output is far from being pretty.

    For those who came from SVN and are used to, I made a "svnmerge avail -l" equivalent bash script for git, that I called gitavail:

    # get current branch
    CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
    # get tracked branch (1st argument), if no arg or arguments are only options, assume master
    if test -z $1 || grep -q '^-' <<< $1;
    then TRACKED_BRANCH=master
    else TRACKED_BRANCH=$1; shift
    # Log commits available for merge from tracked branch
    for i in $(git cherry $CURRENT_BRANCH $TRACKED_BRANCH | egrep '^\+' | awk '{print $2}'); do git --no-pager log -n1 $i ${LOG_OPTIONS}; echo; done

    Assuming you are on a branch, and you want to list what is eligible to merge from master branch, just run:

    gitavail --name-status

    And you'll have an output very similar to "svnmerge avail -l".

    I guess the cherry-pick commits must not be manually modified (what about conflicts?), if the patch id changes, git cherry won't realize the commit has already been cherry-picked.