I am trying to save the contents of a TRichMemo to TMemoryStream, and then be able to load the formatted data back from the stream into the rich memo.
The problem is LoadRichText
is failing for some reason. I know the data is been saved to my stream because I can actually save it fo file as rtf and view it externally.
This is basically what I have:
FMyStream: TMemoryStream;
To save:
To load:
FMyStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
if not RichMemo1.LoadRichText(FMyStream) then
raise Exception.Create('Failed to load data from stream.');
As I said the data is saved to stream correctly, but trying to load into the rich memo is hitting my exception everytime.
What could be the problem?
The code for the LoadRichText
function is:
function TCustomRichMemo.LoadRichText(Source: TStream): Boolean;
if Assigned(Source) and HandleAllocated then begin
Result := TWSCustomRichMemoClass(WidgetSetClass).LoadRichText(Self, Source);
if not Result and Assigned(RTFLoadStream) then begin
Result:=RTFLoadStream(Self, Source);
end else
Result := false;
and SaveRichText
function TCustomRichMemo.SaveRichText(Dest: TStream): Boolean;
if Assigned(Dest) and HandleAllocated then begin
Result := TWSCustomRichMemoClass(WidgetSetClass).SaveRichText(Self, Dest);
if not Result and Assigned(RTFSaveStream) then
Result:=RTFSaveStream(Self, Dest);
end else
Result := false;
Ok, I found the solution to my problem.
At first I created a simple test project and LoadRichText
and SaveRichText
worked, which meant the problem was within my code somewhere...
My stream is declared in a class in a separate unit. In another form I have my rich memo control, when the form is closed the data is saved to the stream, that part I knew worked because I could save it to file and view it externally.
The problem was when I was creating the form that contains my rich memo, I was calling LoadRichText
from the FormCreate
event. So I moved it into FormActivate
and now it works without error.