I have latitude
and longitude
of all the user. I have to find the user who is near to me (around 10 miles)
from my current latitude and longitude. And i have to give it as response in json. I have tried to configure geokit gem for this but it showed me some error like
WARNING: geokit-rails requires the Geokit gem. You either don't have the gem installed,
or you haven't told Rails to require it. If you're using a recent version of Rails:
config.gem "geokit" # in config/environment.rb
and of course install the gem: sudo gem install geokit
so i have moved to geocoder. What should i do with this geocoder for finding users with the above said conditions? please help me.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
geocoded_by :address
after_validation :geocode, if: :address_changed?
User.near([latitude, longitude], 10).to_json
# or even simpler since current_user is a geocoded object (i.e has lat/long)
User.near(current_user, 10).to_json