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How to show longitude and latitude on map in titanium.?

I am able to get current location point .Now I want to show this point(longitude and latitude ) on map .

        Ti.Geolocation.purpose = "Receive User Location";

            if (!e.success || e.error)
                alert('Could not find the device location');
            var longitude = e.coords.longitude;
            var latitude = e.coords.latitude;

            alert("latitude: " + latitude + "longitude: " + longitude);

        alert("Internet connection is required to use localization features");


  • have a look at this simple example. If you don't want to add an annotation, setRegion might be what you are looking for.

    // Create a simple fullscreen map and add an annotation to it
    // This example assumes you have a window called "win"
    // Our lat/lng fake data
    var latitude = 11.11111;
    var longitude = 11.11111;
    // Create Map View
    // For more information on Map Views refer to:
    var mapView = Titanium.Map.createView({
        top          : 0,
        left         : 0,
        bottom       : 0,
        right        : 0,
        mapType      : Titanium.Map.STANDARD_TYPE,
        animate      : true,
        regionFit    : true,
        userLocation : true,
        touchEnabled : true
    // Create an annotation with a right button
    // For more information on annotations refer to:
    var annotation = Ti.Map.createAnnotation({
        latitude    : latitude,
        longitude   : longitude,
        title       : 'My Annotation',
        subtitle    : 'My Subtitle',
        rightButton : Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.DISCLOSURE
    // Add this annotation to your map View
    // Note that this is an array, you can add more
    // than one annotation at a time
    // Set the region of your map
    // that is, zoom to where our annotation is
    var region = {
        latitude       : latitude,
        longitude      : longitude,
        animate        : true,
        latitudeDelta  : 0.005,
        longitudeDelta : 0.005
    // Check if our annotation is clicked
    mapView.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
        if(e.clicksource === 'rightButton') {
            // Do something here

    This is more or less the same as Appcelerators own example at:!/api/Titanium.Map-method-createAnnotation