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Objective-c EKEventEditViewController Dismiss keyboard

I'm presenting an EKEventEditViewController that I need for inserting an event into the calendar. All is fine, but how do I dismiss programmatically the keyboard when I go picking a date?


  • I know this is an old post but still didn't answered.I have been in this situation.So,like to share how to do it.

    - (void)calendarMonthView:(TKCalendarMonthView *)monthView didSelectDate:(NSDate *)d {

    Inside this method you can put [textView resignFirstResponder].This will dismiss keyword while changing date.If you want to dismiss it at the beginning ..just use [textView resignFirstResponder] before calling calendar method .

    Hope this will help others.

    this is also a nice answer by kirby,you can try this too.

    [self.view endEditing:YES];
