I'm working with MSSQL Server 2008 and made a database in it. Now i made a ASP.Net (MVC 4) project and connected it to the database. I let visual studio generate the Entity Data Model and everything is working fine so far. Now i have a table for a many to many relation with ofcourse a PK, and two FK. When i manualy insert a row to the database with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and i refresh my web page this new row doesn't show up.
I'm 100% sure there is nothing wrong with the C# code (ASP.Net) but after X minutes the row show up :s.
Do i need to update the datasource somewhere or what do i do wrong? (it's my first ASP.Net project :))
Code edit:
private dbEntities db = new dbEntities();
This dbEntities is generated by visual studio from the SQL Server and contains models for all tables.
It sounds like your data context is stale (it's retrieving the data from memory and not going to the DB).
See this question or this one for a possible solution.
Edit: Looking at your sample code, I'm going to guess that this has been declared as a page (or class) member. You should wrap this in a using statement so the object context can be disposed:
using (var db = new dbEntities())
//perform work