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Display current time in 12 hour format with AM/PM

Currently the time displayed as 13:35 PM However I want to display as 12 hour format with AM/PM, i.e 1:35 PM instead of 13:35 PM

The current code is as below

private static final int FOR_HOURS = 3600000;
private static final int FOR_MIN = 60000;
public String getTime(final Model model) {
    SimpleDateFormat formatDate = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm a");
    model.addAttribute("userCurrentTime", formatDate.format(new Date()));
    final String offsetHours = String.format("%+03d:%02d", userContext.getUser().getTimeZone().getRawOffset()
    / FOR_HOURS, Math.abs(userContext.getUser().getTimeZone().getRawOffset() % FOR_HOURS / FOR_MIN));
                offsetHours + " " + userContext.getUser().getTimeZone().getDisplayName(Locale.ROOT));
    return "systemclock";


  • Easiest way to get it by using date pattern - h:mm a, where

    • h - Hour in am/pm (1-12)
    • m - Minute in hour
    • a - Am/pm marker

    Code snippet :

    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a");

    Read more on documentation - SimpleDateFormat java 7