I've the following XML and use kettle spoon Get XML Data to extract:
<Company cname="ABC">
<Manager mname="John">
<Subordinate sname="Apple">
<Subordinate sname="Becky">
<Manager mname="Peter">
<Subordinate sname="Cathy">
<Subordinate sname="Doris">
If I set the Loop XPath as /Company/Staffs/Manager/Subordinate , I got the incorrect Manager name (all managers are John!).
Mname: ../../*[name()='Manager']/@*[name()='mname']
Sname: @*[name()='sname']
PhoneNo: *[name()='PhoneNo']
|#|Mname|Sname|PhoneNo |
|1|John |Apple|11111111|
|2|John |Becky|22222222|
|3|John |Cathy|33333333|
|4|John |Doris|44444444|
Please help, how to get the correct manager name?
|#|Mname|Sname|PhoneNo |
|1|John |Apple|11111111|
|2|John |Becky|22222222|
I don't know anythinh about kettle or spoon but IMO if you loop throuh "Subordinate" (so Subordinate is an actual context) you should use these xpaths:
Mname: parent::Manager/@mname
Sname: @sname
PhoneNo: PhoneNo