I get an HybridDictionary with all the child XElements.
I don't know ahead how many items I have there.
So instead of doing this:
new XElement("Child", new XAttribute("Name", "Child1"),
new XElement("Id", "796"),
new XElement("Name", "gdsa")
I'm trying to do something like that:
Strung [] allKeys = new String[ChildElements.Count];
TheHybridDictionary.Keys.CopyTo(allKeys, 0);
new XElement("Child", new XAttribute("Name", "Child1"),
for (int i = 0; i < TheHybridDictionary.Count; i++)
new XElement(allKeys[i], TheHybridDictionary[allKeys[i]])
But how to connect whatever is inside the for loop to be part of the XML document construction?
Problem is, your HybridDictionary
class does not implement IEnumerable
, so you can't use LINQ on it directly.
But you can use allKeys
string array instead:
string [] allKeys = new String[ChildElements.Count];
TheHybridDictionary.Keys.CopyTo(allKeys, 0);
new XElement("Child", new XAttribute("Name", "Child1"),
allKeys.Select(x => new XElement(x, TheHybridDictionary[x])))