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Set DNS with PowerShell

What I am trying to accomplish: I am trying to set the DNS address on my machine using powershell.

Here is my code:

$dnsserver = (,"")
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter IPEnabled=TRUE | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name SetDNSServerSearchOrder -ArgumentList (,$dnsserver)

I am using this as reference:

Using Invoke-WmiMethod to set the DNS servers

The problem: When I run the script, nothing changes. If I run the script and restart the machine, nothing happens. I am running the script on my local machine not remotely.

I am only wanting to add 1 DNS address.

Do I perhaps need to run as a different user or do something else special in order for this to work?


  • managing network interfaces usualy require administrative rights, so you have to run your script in an elevaled powershell console.