I currently have a site that is requiring Sagepay integration, previous sites have integrated sagepay successfully however none have used Zend, unfortunately there isn't that much documentation on using Zend with Sagepay, I have however found a module that may work at this link:
What would be best practice in this instance, I am aware Sagepay offers multiple methods for handling payments although the more it is integrated with the site the better.
Since the Sagepay API is just accessed via a bunch of curl requests you could just use Zends Client and Request objects. For example :
Define what data you would like to post -
// Set the post data
$data = array(
'VPSProtocol' => '',
'TxType' => '',
'Vendor' => '',
'VendorTxCode' => '',
'Amount' => '',
'Currency' => '',
'Description' => '',
'CardHolder' => '',
'CardNumber' => '',
'StartDate' => '',
'ExpiryDate' => '',
'IssueNumber' => '',
'CV2' => '',
'CardType' => '',
'AuthCode' => '',
'BillingSurname' => '',
'BillingFirstNames' => '',
'BillingAddress1' => '',
'BillingAddress2' => '',
'BillingCity' => '',
'BillingPostCode' => '',
'BillingCountry' => '',
'BillingPhone' => '',
'DeliverySurname' => '',
'DeliveryFirstNames'=> '',
'DeliveryAddress1' => '',
'DeliveryAddress2' => '',
'DeliveryCity' => '',
'DeliveryPostCode' => '',
'DeliveryCountry' => '',
'DeliveryPhone' => '',
'CustomerEmail' => '',
'NotificationUrl' => ''
Then create the new client object and set the adapter to 'CURL' -
$client = new Client();
$client->setAdapter(new Curl());
And finally create a new request object and dispatch the client object to the request.
$request = new Request();
$response = $client->dispatch($request);
A read through this may help.