I am using Postgresql9.2 and SQLAlchemy0.8 . I have a stored procedure in database which has many out parameters and i want them to use by dot notation. But so far I have failed miserably. Below is how my code looks like.
An example to show what i am doing is as follows.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION stored_proc_name(IN in_user_id bigint, IN in_amount bigint,
OUT pout_one bigint, OUT pout_two bigint )
select count(*) as AliasOne into pout_one from tabe_names where conditions;
select user_name as AliasTwo into pout_two from table_name where condition;
COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION stored_proc_name(bigint, bigint)
OWNER TO postgres;
My code snippet is as following:
#session object from sessionmaker
result_obj = session.execute(func.stored_proc_name(user_id, amount))
print result_obj.fetechall()
#The above print statement prints following on the console.
>> [('(1,100)',)]
Clearly the above result fetches string. What I want is something like result_obj.pout_one
and use it in my code.
Is there any way of achieving it. A working code snippet will be highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
You could try something like this:
query = select([column('pout_one'), column('pout_two')],
from_obj=[func.stored_proc_name(user_id, amount)])
The inspiration for this is from the SQLAlchemy list where someone asked a similar question. This could result in the desired output (I can't test it right now).