I am trying to install gaia, image software for astronomy. I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and have xcode tools 3.2.6 with developer tools installed. I also believe I have the correct gfortran compiler necessary.
How do I install gaia now? What are the commands I need to run. When I download it, it unzips and there are just a bunch of folders.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Max
Download the latest Starlink distribution (Hikianalia, as of this writing):
Uncompress the .tar.gz. A new star
directory will be created. You can move it some other place (for instance, /Users/Shared/star
, or /star
Depending on your default shell:
For C (csh
, tcsh
) shells:
environment variable pointing to where the star
directory is to be left (i.e., /Users/Shared/star
setenv STARLINK_DIR /Users/Shared/star
Source the chsrc files
source $STARLINK_DIR/etc/login
source $STARLINK_DIR/etc/cshrc
You can combine the steps above creating an alias called start_starlink
to add to your .cshrc file, so that you only start the Starlink libraries when needed:
alias start_starlink 'setenv STARLINK_DIR /Users/Shared/star; source $STARLINK_DIR/etc/login; source $STARLINK_DIR/etc/cshrc'
For Bourne (sh
, bash
, zsh
) shells:
environment variable pointing to where the star
directory is to be left (i.e., /Users/Shared/star
export STARLINK_DIR=/Users/Shared/star
Source the chsrc files
. $STARLINK_DIR/etc/profile
You can combine the steps above creating an alias called start_starlink
to add to your .cshrc file, so that you only start the Starlink libraries when needed:
alias start_starlink='export STARLINK_DIR=/Users/Shared/star; . $STARLINK_DIR/etc/profile'
So, after typing start_starlink
, you can just type gaia
to launch Starlink Gaia.
In x86_64 systems, if launching gaia fails with the message:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libgfortran.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/jdsant/Downloads/star/bin/gaia/gaia_wish
Reason: image not found
you need to make sure that you have gfortran libraries installed, and that they are were gaia expects them.
You can try to use locate libgfortran.3.dylib
, and copy it to /usr/local/lib
, or make a symlink to it. See, for instance, http://starlink.jach.hawaii.edu/starlink/HikianaliaDownload#SnowLeopard64-bitdistribution