I have a base64-encoded string (char[]) that represents a PNG image.
I want to create a FIBITMAP from that string - what's the easiest way to achieve this?
According to the documentation something like the following code should do the task:
/* Needed here: data -> The string you want to read
len -> The length of the string */
char *decoded;
size_t decoded_len;
base64_decode(data, len, &decoded, &decoded_len); /* See note 1 below! */
FIMEMORY *mem = FreeImage_OpenMemory(decoded, decoded_len);
FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif = FreeImage_GetFileTypeFromMemory(mem, 0);
FIBITMAP *result = FreeImage_LoadFromMemory(fif, mem, 0);
/* [...] */
Note 1: FreeImage seems not to be capable of reading Base64-coded data directly. Thus, the data you want to use is decoded here. Please note that you have to provide an implementation for base64_decode
(or modify the function call to match an existing implementation).