I'm trying to use spyne to implement a SOAP service in Python. My client sends SOAP requests like this:
<ns1:loadServices xmlns:ns1="dummy">
<serviceParams xmlns="dummy">
But I have difficulties putting that structure into a spyne model.
So far I came up with this code:
class Header(ComplexModel):
__type_name__ = 'header'
user = Unicode
password = Unicode
class serviceParams(ComplexModel):
__type_name__ = 'serviceParams'
header = Header()
class DummyService(ServiceBase):
@rpc(serviceParams, _returns=Unicode)
def loadServices(ctx, serviceParams):
return '42'
The problem is that spyne generates and XSD like this:
<xs:complexType name="loadServices">
<xs:element name="serviceParams" type="tns:serviceParams" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="serviceParams"/>
which is not what I want because essentially it says that "serviceParams" is just an empty tag without children.
Is that a bug in spyne? Or am I missing something?
It turned out that this line was the culprit:
header = Header()
that should be:
header = Header
Very nasty behavior and really easy to overlook.