I wanna write a little c++ program using libcurl. It's for a school project so I need to be able to package everything in a zip file and email it to my instructor.
I've just downloaded the tar from the libcurl website but now I'm not sure what the next step is... What else do I gotta do in order to be able to do #include "curl/curl.h"
and call curl functions from my main function? Once I do that how would I zip it and make sure my instructor will be able to compile it too? I'm using Ubuntu. Any help will be apprecitated!
1) Download the source from here.
2) unpack with "tar xvzf tarfilename"
3) cd to newly created directory from the unpack
4) enter "./configure"
5) enter "make" and "make install"
6) write your program and remember to link against the library.
7) When ready to send to prof, I would zip the original libcurl source along with the instructions above and any other you used to get your project to work.
Edit - Something like:
g++ -g -Wall -o myapp myapp.cpp -L/usr/local/lib -lcurl