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Repetition alarm in Android

I need to schedule a certain repetition alarm, that can happen any day of the week, several days. It can be on Monday, or every weekday, or only the weekend days- and of course this needs to be stored in the DB.

My question is, how could I store this in the DB? I thought of using an int array of seven positions, and depending on whether which position is a true (or 1) I'll assume there's an alarm that way.

Any other ideas? Suggestions please?

Thanks a lot in advance.


  • You could store a single byte to represent your week and pull values out of it using a bitwise & operation. Bit 1 could represent Monday, Bit 2 Tuesday, etc. You can use this to represent all combinations of days, e.g:

    01100000 - Saturday/Sunday (Weekend)
    01110001 - Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday (Long weekend)

    When reading the value you would use something like:

    byte val = 0x71; //01110001
    boolean mondayActive = (val & 0x1) == 1;
    boolean fridayActive = (val >> 4& 0x1) == 1;

    EDIT comment
    This assumes that you are already familiar with the AlarmManager and were looking for a mechanism to track your alarms as you cannot use a single alarm to schedule events in the manner the OP described. If you need to mimic cron in a single task, possibly take a look at something like the BuzzBox SDK.

    EDIT write sample

    public static final int MONDAY  = 0x01;   //00000001
    public static final int TUESDAY = 0x02;   //00000010
    public static final int WEDNESDAY = 0x04; //00000100
    public static final int THURSDAY = 0x08;  //00001000
    public static final int FRIDAY = 0x10;    //00010000
    public static final int SATURDAY = 0x20;  //00100000
    public static final int SUNDAY = 0x40;    //01000000
    //example values to write
    int weekend = SATURDAY | SUNDAY; //01100000
    int longWeekend = FRIDAY | SATURDAY | SUNDAY | MONDAY; //01110001
    //and as per flightplanner's comment, to read
    boolean mondayActive = (weekend & MONDAY) == MONDAY;    //false
    mondayActive = (longWeekend & MONDAY) == MONDAY;        //true