basically we are using facebook registration API for our website user registration and we are storing user data in our database with access token, at the time of registration,we want the user allow us the wall post permission.So what we will do..?
Here is the code we are using to try to launch the dialog popup:
<iframe src="… echo $redirect_uri;?>& &cope=publish_stream,offline_access&fields=[ {'name':'name'},
{'name':'first_name'}, {'name':'last_name'}, {'name':'email'}, {'name':'gender'},
{'name':'birthday'}, {'name':'password'}
width="570"height="800"> </iframe>
Your token is granted only for the permissions you specifically requested when you requested the the application be authorized by the user. To be able to post to a users wall, you need to ask the user to authorize the appropriate permissions.
Here is the facebook reference for requesting these permissions:
Depending on your app, you'll need to ask for either/both publish_actions
or publish_stream
when you get initial authentication from the user.