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displaying QSlider value in QLabel/QDebug() using QThread

I am implementing a simple function where slider value is constantly displayed on label and qDebug(). I already got the label updated using signal/slots, but somehow the qDebug() thread is not working properly. I expected to see the console flooded with the value of the slider. Below is my code: SliderThread.h:

class HorizontalSliderThread : public QThread {
    HorizontalSliderThread(Ui::MainWindow *ui);//in order to call slider value in HorizontalSliderThread class
public slots:
    void process();


HorizontalSliderThread::HorizontalSliderThread(Ui::MainWindow *ui){
    ui_global = *ui;
void HorizontalSliderThread::process(){
    qDebug("Test Thread");
    int value = ui_global.horizontalSlider_windowSize->value();
QObject::connect(ui_global.horizontalSlider_windowSize,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),ui_global.label_SliderWindowSize,SLOT(setNum(int)));//update value to label
        qDebug()<<value;    //update value in console


mainwindow.h move Ui::MainWindow *ui; from private to public.


MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
    QThread* thread = new QThread;
    HorizontalSliderThread* slider = new HorizontalSliderThread(ui);
    connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), slider, SLOT(process()));

Current Output: qDebug() displays the value of slider once, label is updated constantly.
Expected Output: qDebug() displays the value of slider continuously, label is updated constantly.

Since label is updated when the slider is moved, then the signal/slot for this function is working, which means my thread should be working. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

QThread implementation is reference from:

I am fairly new to this, especially QThread, so if there is a better way to implement this function, please let me know!

Thanks a lot.

EDIT1: add slider->moveToThread(thread);


  • Well you've only connected the started() signal to your process() function, so your thread starts and it calls process, which dutifully shows your debug output and returns.

    I suspect you want to call your process function every time the value changes, which would require another signal/slot connection (along these lines):

    connect(ui_global.horizontalSlider_windowSize, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), thread, SLOT(setNum(int)));

    Also, it looks like you intend for your HorizontalSliderThread to actually run in that separate thread you've created, in which case you'll need a call to QObject::moveToThread() in there, something along these lines:
