I was going through slides of an algorithm class and came across following.
T(n) = 2T(n^(1/2)) + lg n
Rename: m = lg n => n = 2^m T (2^m) = 2T(2^(m/2)) + m
Rename: S(m) = T(2^m) S(m) = 2S(m/2) + m
Can any one explain me how did the last equation come ? I'm not able to understand how S(m/2) came. Thank you.
It is just an argument substitution.
You have S(m) = T(f(m)), where f(m) = 2^m
. Substitute m with m/2 and you'll get
S(m/2) = T(f(m/2)), f(m/2) = 2^(m/2)
Now you may rewrite left part T(f(m/2)) = T(2^(m/2)) = S(m/2)